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NVIDIA Gelato 1.1R1

NVIDIA Gelato 1.1R1
NVIDIA GelatoTM 1.1 GPU Accelerated Final Frame Renderer

Gelato (R)evolutionary rendering

NVIDIA Gelato is a breakthrough software rendering system designed to create beautiful imagery for film and other high end applications. The software is accelerated with the NVIDIA Quadro FX\xae professional graphics hardware to render this imagery at unprecedented speeds. Gelato offers all the features that film and television professionals demand today, and is both flexible and extensible allowing for easy integration into your existing production pipeline, as well as satisfying the requirements of the future. Gelato\x92s underlying design principles were: NAB 2004 Millimeter Pick Hit Award

Accelerate the rendering process with revolutionary new programmable graphics hardware. This technology breakthrough finally allows rendering to take advantage of the faster than Moore\x92s law rate of improvement in graphics hardware while at the same time introducing features such as real interactive previewing of lighting, shading, and final renders.

Never to compromise on image quality, robustness, power, programmability, flexibility, or any other property necessary for a top of the line film rendering system. In particular, we will never let Gelato\x92s use of graphics hardware result in inferior rendering output.

Key Features

Cinema Quality Images. Gelato makes no compromises on image quality. It enables the user to render the most beautiful and complex scenes at the highest resolution.

Production Ready. Gelato relies on mainstream, professional graphics hardware and is designed to fit into your existing production pipeline.

Takes Your Pipeline Into the Future. Gelato automatically leverages and manages advances in the changing hardware infrastructure.
BUY NVIDIA Gelato 1.1R1 15$

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