Mabry ListX 1.04.012
List/X+ is an ActiveX control that sets a new standard for functionality and programmability in ActiveX controls. List/X+ provides multiple sortable columns, multi line headers, captions, and list items, unlimited color options, and more. The Mabry List/X+ control is a 32 bit light ActiveX.
List/X+ also provides a unique owner draw capability using high level COM objects that you create with Visual Basic. This feature provides unlimited flexibility, freeing you from the design limitations built into other controls. Using owner draw objects, you can easily define the exact appearance of any column in any row. With List/X+ you can display bitmaps, change fonts and colors on the fly, and use any of the graphical methods available in Visual Basic or the Windows API.
Multiple columns
Multi column sorting individual columns can be sorted as desired
Sorted/unsorted property may be modified at runtime
Multi line list items the individual items can be single line or multi line
Multi line column headings each column can have its own multi line heading
Multi line caption captions are not limited to single lines.
Unique and innovative COM callbacks provide the programmer with the ability to paint any or all listbox items on a per column basis
ItemData is a Variant instead of a Long you are no longer limited to numbers only as the data type. The list items can be associated with numeric values, objects, arrays, boolean values, or any other value that can be held in a Variant.
Simple selection, multiselect, and extended multiselect
Selection type is programmable at run time
Column alignment may be modified at run time
User resizable columns
Minimum and maximum widths for user resizable columns
Properties to determine whether the mouse is over the caption, headings, or list parts of the listbox
Powerful object oriented programming model with Column objects and Columns collection
ColumnIndex property provides the column location of the mouse
List items are assignable at design time using property pages
3D effects for list, caption, and headings include Raised, Pop, Drop, Shadow, or Inset
Programmable 3D effect colors
Caption is alignable to left, right, or center
Selected and normal foreground and background colors may be specified for the listbox, columns, and individual items
Appearance and colors are programmable at runtime
Column alignment right, left, or center each column can have its own alignment setting
Column headings alignment right, left or center each column heading can have its own alignment
BUY Mabry ListX 1.04.012 15$
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